In interior design, as in any other business, the most important thing is the result. Design project development is only part of the work. Qualitative implementation is no less important. During the time that I was engaged in design, many unexpected situations, which required changes in the project and created a large number of various difficulties, happened at construction sites. On the one hand, this is good, because the problems that I encounter allow me to grow professionally. But often a learning experience is very expensive.
Having analyzed all of my sites, I made a list of points that should be paid attention to at the design project stage. This will relieve you of an extra headache during the project implementation. So:
Revision hatches
At the design stage, it is better to spend extra time and provide access to all communications (plumbing, electrics, etc.) in advance. For example, it is necessary to provide access to transformers of LED strips, because it may be necessary to replace them. Or access to the ventilation system which needs annual maintenance. If you don’t know a lot about a matter, it is better to consult with experts in advance. Revision hatches will have to be made anyway, so you better take care of them even before construction starts, so that no further problems arise.
You should also select fabrics for upholstered furniture, curtains and other textiles at the design stage. The fact is that the choice of fabrics is often not as wide as we would like, and it can happen that, at the stage of assembling, you simply won’t manage to find textiles of the required color and texture. Yes, you can always find and choose a similar analogue, but the effect may be quite different from what was originally planned.
Finishing materials
The same goes for all finishing materials. In a design project, it is better to immediately focus on tiles, parquet, wallpaper, etc., which are in the range of stores available to you. Replacing finishing materials during the project implementation stage can lead to horrific results. And never forget the delivery time. This is one of the key points too.
Custom-made furniture
If custom-made furniture is needed for the project, you must immediately take into account the budget. It often happens that the designed furniture cannot be made of materials available within the budget. To order the furniture, it is necessary to prepare the most detailed technical specifications and provide drawings with overall dimensions, as well as point out all the important design features. Be sure to ask the manufacturer for the design documentation for the furniture, even BEFORE launching its production, so that you can check and approve everything. Be sure to record and fix all matters discussed during the selection of filling and materials. Therefore, important information will not be lost, and it will always be possible to double-check something.
If you observe these simple rules, the result will meet your expectations.
I wish you good implementations and kind customers,